First of HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!, oh I am so so excited that the spookiest day of the year is here. I mean I've spent majority of the day at work but what can you do! I hope you've all had a wonderful day full of treats (and maybe a few tricks).
Speaking of treats, today I wanted to share with you some items I've got recently. I had to get involved with trying out some products from Glossier. So as soon as they launched in the UK I made a cheeky little purchase and wanted to see for myself what the hype was about. I haven't managed to try out one of the products yet but I will get round to it. The first three of these products are part of the Phase 1 set.
Milky Jelly Cleanser
I really wanted to try the cleanser out as majority of the ones I've tired don't agree with my skin as it's kind of sensitive, especially during the colder months. The bonus of it is that it can remove make up as well. As it's Halloween, it was the perfect time to test this out and I have to say it did a great job of removing my face paint. The formula is a little weird to me as I've never tried a product like it, but that's not a bad thing! My skin felt so so soft after and didn't add any redness which is so rare for me. It's safe to use on your eyes too so its a winner for me.
Birthday Balm dotcom
Lip balm is an essential during the Autumn and Winter months. This lip balm is supposed to be multipurpose helped to repair dry, chapped lips (something I suffer from... badly). I chose the Birthday flavour, casue I mean look at the cool birthday cake packaging and it just sounded scumptous!! And I can report it smells and tastes so so good. It's not thick so doesn't feel sticky and is so nourishing. I can tell this will be kept in my handbag so I can use it throughout the day. The balm dotcom (love that name) comes in other flavours including Original, Rose, Cherry. Mint and Coconut. Coconut sounds wicked too.
Priming Moisturizer
My skin is always so so dry, hence why I wanted to try the priming moisturizer. I have really enjoyed using this in the mornings before putting on my make up. Its not greasy and doesn't take ages to soak into my skin. It feels so soft on my skin and has even tackled the problem areas between my eyebrows. A product that has definitely become part of my daily routine.
The Moon Moisturising Mask
Finally the product I've yet to try the moon moisturizing mask. I have to admit half the reason I bought this is because it has moon in the title (guilty..) but I have heard so many good things about this mask. So many bloggers that I follow have said this mask is amazing so I'm sure it will live up to the hype. As mentioned above my skin needs all the hydration it can get so this mask seemed like the ideal solution. I cannot wait to use this one night before I go to bed, plus how cute is the packaging.

I am aware that I have failed at the whole doing Halloween themed posts this year, I actually would like brainstorm ideas throughout the year so I can come up with some posts for my favourite holiday! But yes have an amazing Halloween evening everyone, I will be answering the door to trick or treaters and making sure all of my decorations light up the windows of my parents house (they hate me for it haha).
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